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How I help

adult clients & couples with trauma backgrounds

Resilience is how you not just survive stress, but how you grow from it... Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder; some people develop post-traumatic growth. So they actually become better, more receiving, wiser after the stress.” Dr. Dilip Jeste

What is adaptive mental wellness?

Our ability to adapt plays a crucial role in personal growth, resilience, and overall mental wellness.  

Adaptive coping involves being open-minded, discovering creative solutions, and swiftly adjusting one's behavior, thoughts, or emotions to align with new information and experiences. Opting for adaptive behavior enables you to navigate your environment with greater success and less conflict with others. It assists in breaking free from rigid, unhelpful patterns and avoidance behaviors.


This capacity allows us to flexibly respond to new demands, situations, or challenges.

Conversely, maladaptive coping strategies are likely to be utilized if you've experienced overwhelming stressors, trauma, or unhealthy adult relationships. Experiences of maltreatment or neglect in childhood, or exposure to emotional invalidation, often lead to persistent unhelpful patterns that outlive their initial purpose. These strategies may offer temporary relief but fail to solve the underlying problem. A person relying on maladaptive coping might engage in denial, self-criticism, perfectionism, passivity, and avoidance. 


Navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively. Help yourself thrive even in challenging situations.

Setbacks are inevitable in life—no one is immune—but the key lies in learning to bounce back from uncertainty, adversity, and trauma. Through our collaboration, you can gain practical tools to build a more resilient self.

Individual Therapy

I am here to help you feel secure and comfortable as we delve into past traumas, navigate present difficulties, and establish future aspirations. Allow me to accompany you on your path to fostering significant change and strengthening bonds, both internally and with those significant in your life.

Connecting the dots through psychotherapy and counseling...

Psychotherapy and counseling are both effective in aiding individuals to lead healthier, more satisfying lives. I provide both to ensure a holistic approach. Through these methods, you can understand the motivations behind your actions, which is beneficial for overcoming current obstacles and recognizing patterns that may hinder progress.

Psychotherapy, often referred to as talk therapy, is a time-honored technique used by mental health professionals. It fosters a trusting bond between therapist and client, delving into an individual's experiences, thoughts, and emotions. It targets persistent or recurrent issues and aims to rekindle hope.

Counseling is centered on the present, offering strategies for specific life stressors or mental health concerns. It employs practical techniques to guide you towards a healthier trajectory.

I am committed to collaborating with you to discover effective solutions to challenges and alleviate emotional distress.

Therapy sessions are designed to progress at your pace while managing and containing challenging emotions and reactions. I strive to understand my clients holistically, not solely by their most difficult times. Being seen and heard as a whole person is vital; a traumatic experience does not define anyone.

Clients seek therapy for a range of issues:

- Anxiety symptoms
- Attachment problems
- Body image issues
- Boundary concerns
- Burnout/compassion fatigue
- Dating safety (in college and post-divorce)
- Depression symptoms
- Loneliness
- Panic attacks
- Perfectionism

Couple's Therapy

When you decided to commit to a long-term relationship, you may have had fairytale visions of "happily ever after." As it turns out, making it work with another person long term requires effort. Couples therapy can offer a wide range of benefits, providing valuable support for individuals and partners navigating the complexities of their relationships.

Here are some key advantages:

  1. Improved communication skills: Not everyone knows how to express their thoughts and feelings appropriately. In couples therapy, you and your partner can learn to share concerns and emotions effectively, especially during difficult conversations.

  2. Creates a nonjudgmental, safe space: Every time you and your partner attend a couple’s session, you are in a safe haven. Everything you share is kept in confidence, and your therapist will remain neutral during the session. Both people will have a chance to express themselves openly without fear of judgment.

  3. Builds empathy and understanding in your relationship: Going to couples therapy can help you understand your partner better, and likewise, your partner can better understand your thoughts and experiences. This increased understanding can lead to stronger emotional connections and more effective communication.

  4. Helps you resolve conflicts: Conflict is a natural part of life, but knowing how to work through and solve disagreements is essential for sustainable, fulfilling relationships. Resentment can build when couples struggle to move past issues or avoid addressing them. Therapy can help you develop conflict resolution skills that you can use during sessions and later in life.

  5. Provides you a sounding board: When you’re upset with your partner, do you tend to talk past or above them? Do you ever feel your partner doesn’t fully hear or address your concerns? Couples counseling creates an opportunity to express your thoughts and feel that your partner is actively listening to what you have to say.

  6. Working through life’s challenges: Even the happiest couples will face challenges. Couples therapy provides a supportive environment to address these challenges, whether they are related to external stressors, personal growth, or changes in the relationship itself.

Remember that couples therapy is not only for relationships in crisis; all types of couples can benefit from the guidance of an experienced therapist. It’s a proactive step toward building a healthier and more fulfilling partnership. If you’re considering couples therapy, I encourage you to explore it further with a qualified therapist who can tailor the approach to your specific needs and goals.:

Couples seek therapy for a variety of issues:

- Building respect

- Codependency
- Increasing intimacy (emotional & physical)
- Learning to repair after arguments
- Listening to understand, not just reply
- Partnership challenges
- Premarital counseling
- Mariage/couple's enrichment
- Rebuilding trust
- Restoring affection
- Triggers from prior relationships

Learn to support each other differently.

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